Turkey Scholarship - YTB

*2020 - An additional note after two years of being here under this scholarship: The application process and system might have undergone some changes. However, feel free to ask me any questions :)


I am currently pursuing my Master's degree at Istanbul Üniversitesi, Turkey, fully sponsored by the Turkish government. The scholarship includes the university and tuition fees, health insurance, accommodation in a public dormitory (with provided meals), a monthly allowance (amount depends on your study level), as well as a flight ticket. What do you need to give in return? NOTHING. Just study and earn your degree!

Now, let's clarify what the Turkey Scholarship is.

The Turkey scholarship, also known as Burslari, is an initiative by the Turkish government to bring international students from around the globe to study in Turkey by providing sponsorship. The program offers Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D., and Research degrees. This scholarship is open to all nationalities, such as Malaysians, Thais, Indonesians, Filipinos, Palestinians, Syrians, Egyptians, Somalis, Sudanese, and many more. There is only one condition: you must take and pass a one-year Turkish language course before entering your department, regardless of whether your studies will be in English or Arabic.

Wondering how to apply?

Firstly, you should stay alert for announcements regarding new applications. The application process opens in groups according to country. In my case, for Malaysian applicants, it opened in November, along with a few other countries. You can visit the official website or follow the scholarship's Facebook page for more information.

Secondly, make sure you meet the eligibility requirements. You can find the age requirements on the scholarship's website.

For the basic assessment, selection, and requirements click here.

Thirdly, this part is about what to include in the application. Before anything else, you should create your own account on their website.

The application process for this scholarship is conducted entirely online through the provided system, which has its advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, you can apply from anywhere you are. However, the downside is that you have to interact with the system, and if you're missing any required documents, you won't be able to proceed. I must mention that the documents you need to submit are numerous and require great attention to detail. It will be easier for those who are well-organized and have properly archived their documents. Here is the information you need to submit for the initial part of the application.

The above image shows the education information section. If you are applying for a Master's degree, the minimum academic requirement is an Associate Degree, while for a Bachelor's degree, the high school level is crucial. Remember, we interact with the system, so failure to upload documents in the designated "upload" section will hinder progress with the application. For instance, the High School level requires uploading academic certificates, which are not necessary for Master's or Ph.D. applicants. I simply uploaded the same certificate in different columns, as long as it is an authentic certificate (e.g., Graduation school's certificate).

Additional important notes include preparing your CV for the Work section, as it is an important document that will be reviewed. In the Social Activities section, you can mention any awards earned and attach the corresponding certificates.

After completing the first part, the system will automatically open the second part of the application, where you provide details about the universities and courses you wish to apply for. In this section, you must submit at least two reference letters from your lecturers, academic authorities, or any other relevant figures who can support your application. These reference letters are crucial to demonstrate your worthiness for the scholarship. Ensure that you upload the letters and provide the email addresses of the referees. Once submitted, the system will automatically send them an email requesting their confirmation of your eligibility and other positive attributes mentioned in the letters. The system will only receive the references that have been responded to, so please inform your lecturers and ask them to respond to the email.

Additionally, you need to provide a summary of your study field. In my case, I simply wrote the thesis topic, a brief summary, and the reasons for choosing it. It doesn't need to be a full thesis proposal, just a concise overview.

That covers the application information. If your name is shortlisted, you may receive an email inviting you to an interview. You can choose the country where the interview will take place. The interview panel will consist of two or three representatives from the Turkish Foreign Ministry, and the interview can be conducted in English, Arabic, or Turkish.

Finally, a few words from me. In my opinion, this scholarship is open to everyone. Aim for the best academic results, although being on the Dean's list every semester is not mandatory, but avoid failing in multiple semesters. Additionally, engage in extracurricular activities, join social clubs, participate in community work, or gain work experience. From my experience, they value practical experiences, which can be considered a bonus. Despite hundreds of applicants for postgraduate studies, only about 50 are shortlisted for interviews, and approximately 20 recipients are awarded the scholarship. Each country has its own quota, so be outstanding to stand out among other applicants. Good luck!


  1. Thank you soli! This is so helpful--Fiona

  2. What master you're pursuing in Ist uni?

    1. I studied Communication during Bachelor. Now Master in communication & journalism.

  3. Assalamualaikum, boleh tak awak whatsapp saya? Nak tanya pasal Turki Scholarship Application ni. 0103310945 (HUSNA) Thank you so much :)

  4. hi, i am stucked at education information. i filled all the needed part yet it still say i need to fill one more section. can you help? thank you

    1. Hi there. You can WA me at +905538358710 to discuss further. I'll try to assist.

  5. haiii . boleh tahu ur first university kat mana? and now ambik master or degree? okay let say i amik asasi then after i finish 1 year study in asasi tu so kalau nak amik degree and use the scholarship boleh ke? but first thing first before datang turkey all of the payment kita , kita kita kena tanggung sendiri ke dulu? and can i i know how much it is the cost(just bagi anggaran) ? im so sorry byk tanye and i hope ur are always fine and may allah always give u the best in ur life ����

    1. Hi there.
      1) UIA Gombak
      2) Now studying for Master
      3) Yes xde masalah.
      4) Kalau dpt scholarship ni, x perlu bayar apa2 payment even flight ticket dorang akan email. Except for the preparation contohnya translated documents, payment kpd ministers utk dptkan certificate etc. it costs only around RM600-700.
      Good luck!

  6. and untuk dapat scholarship tu , dia tgk result final exam tu la kan? dia nak min pointer berapa?
    ke dia tak tgk?before pergi turkey ada tak amik class turkey?or u just go?

    1. For bachelor degree level, result SPM dan foundation (kalau ada) akan dinilai. Kat link dlm post ni ada sy bagi syarat minimum utk degree. Dia bg dlm %, so kena kira sendiri pointer atau A brp.. Kalau x silap spm at least 6A n CGPA 3.0. Pakej scholarship ni termasuk turkish class. So, it's ok pergi dgn zero Turkish then wajib attend provided Turkish class for free.


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