What Is Like To Be Demotivated?

What is it like to be demotivated?

I have been longing for this life for a long time, 
yet I still feel incomplete. 
Unconscious expectations have blinded my mind, 
preventing me from seeing the beauty that is right in front of me. 
I find myself blaming my surroundings in an attempt to comfort my heart. 
I'm not even sure if I ever had any, 
because they seem to have vanished.

My interests have faded away, 
replaced by a multitude of excuses. 
But I refuse to give up, 
because there is too much beauty in life to simply let go. 
However, continuing on feels burdensome and monotonous, 
as I confront these challenges.

As I look into my diary, 
I see darkness 
instead of the brightness, I used to fill it with through my wish list. 
Am I depressed? 
No, it doesn't feel like it. 
There is still so much happiness that overshadows the sadness, 
and laughter continues to chase away the blues. 
The presence of my wonderful friends fills my days.

What has caused this shift in my mindset? It's demotivation.

Would you like to be my motivation?


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