
"It's hard to write when your heart is at war. But they say writing is a remedy. I couldn't agree more. Regardless of whether I'm a good writer or not, the fact that I'm writing in my own space with imaginary readers is gratifying. So, what am I going to write about?

Maybe I'll write about loving ourselves.

Hmm, it's something to ponder. Why does everyone love to talk about loving ourselves? Do human beings often forget to love themselves?

Let me speak from an ordinary person's perspective, not as a psychologist or therapist. Humans tend to forget to take responsibility for themselves when they are deeply involved in something or someone, especially when they are falling in love. Emotions completely consume them and they "submit" to those feelings, expressing them through actions. Every time, they forget to ask themselves, quite literally, 'Hi self, how are you doing today?' Instead, they constantly worry about the people they love, neglecting their own well-being. It's not healthy, right? I once read an interesting motivational book by Yasmin Mogahed titled 'Reclaim Your Heart.' Just as the title suggests, it's important for us to remember not to suffocate ourselves with emotions. Even if we love someone, be it our parents, friends, or spouse, we shouldn't invest our entire being in them. The only true and ultimate submission of love should be reserved for God, Allahurahman. 

Because you know what? He is the one who is always there when we are in need. He never gets tired of listening to our sorrows and demands. We can continue to beg and plead, and we will never feel awkward lowering our guard in front of Him. Subhanallah..."

That's it. Let me end with this:

If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely. Quran [3:160]


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