Love is Learning Process

Hey there! It's been a long time since I shared. I've been busy with my thesis and ended my Master's journey in Istanbul, then work and all. Who knew my biggest "graduate" gift was a husband! :) Alhamdulillah for everything. My husband and my journey began when fate brought us together, and we realized that our diverse backgrounds would help our relationship. As a Malaysian, I had the opportunity to study and live in Turkiye for four years, immersing myself in Turkish culture. Little did I know that this experience would lay the foundation for our beautiful union. We have embarked on a beautiful journey of love, a beautiful blend between the cultures; Turkish and Malay <3

It has been almost a year since we tied the knot, and each day has been filled with discoveries, and growth between our two cultures. We believe in the power of learning, sharing, and building a life together. 

One of the foundations of our marriage is our shared love for learning. We believe that knowledge opens doors to understanding and brings us closer together. Our commitment to learning new things every day has allowed us to explore different aspects of both Malaysian and Turkish cultures. From language lessons to cooking traditional dishes, we embrace the opportunity to expand our horizons together. 

Marriage is about fifty-fifty. In our marriage, responsibilities are shared equally because we firmly believe that a strong partnership is built on teamwork. Both of us enjoy sharing chores. In our house, gender roles are not predetermined. We break the stereotypes by actively participating in household chores together. My husband is an incredible partner who not only enjoys cooking but also takes pleasure in cleaning and maintaining our home. His attention to detail ensures that our living space is always tidy. Sharing these responsibilities has not only lightened the workload but has also brought us closer as we collaborate, laugh, and create memorable moments together.

Although communication is the key to any successful relationship, we sometimes face a challenge due to language differences. Turkish is my third language, which sometimes makes it difficult for me to express myself during intense discussions. Thankfully, my husband is patient and understanding. He has been supporting me and creating a safe space where I can freely communicate my thoughts and emotions.

Do not be super defensive of our own culture! in a mixed marriage, there is a natural tendency to feel defensive of our own cultural practices. However, we have consciously made an effort to break down these barriers by approaching our cultural differences with curiosity and respect. Instead of being defensive, we view each cultural practice as an opportunity to learn. and of course, it's easy to say but not easy to ignore the evil whisper hehe. 

Each day, we cherish our shared experiences and appreciate our differences.

with love,



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